The 2021 Chinook Decision has been delayed
The 2021 Chinook Decision has been delayed!! Fisheries Minister Jordan, Prime Minister Trudeau and their teams are reviewing the SFAB Chinook retention proposal as we speak, and a decision is imminent.
We still have a small amount of time to let Fisheries Minister Jordan know how important it is to approve the modest SFAB Chinook retention proposal, but we must act now. We desperately need sustainable, data driven opportunity to retain a Chinook from April to August in Southern BC. The Public Fishery Alliance NEED you to help us spread this message far and wide! PLEASE use this form letter to send your letter of support today! Our collective voice must be heard!
Please SHARE this message with your friends, on social media and by email! Let’s get the word out on the street!
To: The Honourable Minister Bernadette Jordan Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
Dear Minister Jordan,
As British Columbians, Canadians, and members of the Public fishery, we urge you to open the fishery and agree to our modest requests to maintain limited Chinook retention opportunities. Our fishery is critical to British Columbians and for many of us, it is the fabric of our way of life. The Public Fishery supports thousands of jobs and families, both economically and socially. We cannot overstate the importance of the social component of this fishery, particularly at a time when COVID-19 has decimated recreational opportunities across the board. We require a lifeline to avoid collapse and the Public Fishery cannot survive non-retention fisheries. We whole-heartedly support improved data collection, monitoring, and angler education on best release practices.
The current Sport Fishing Advisory Board (SFAB) Chinook salmon fishery retention proposals, which are being reviewed by your department, have already been assessed as low risk by Pacific Region salmon management staff. The proposals have been in your department’s hands for nearly 12 months and were crafted to permit the retention of Chinook where no or the absolute minimal risk of exploitation of stocks of concern might occur. These proposals were based on the best science available, to determine in which areas and at what times during the spring and summer these Chinook retention fisheries could proceed safely.
We ask you, Minister Jordan, to do the right thing and open our fishery.
Thank you,
[your name will go here]
[your email address will go here], [your location will go here]