On The Coast with Gloria Macarenko The end of open-net fish farms in B.C. is near, sort of Guest host Belle Puri speaks with Sonia Strobel, co-founder and CEO of Skipper Otto Community Supported Fishery, and Dave Brown, an advocate with the Public Fisheries Alliance, about what concerns are top of mind for them after … Read More»

Rec fisheries still under assault

June 7, 2024 Attn:   Dave Obee, EditorTimes Colonist 201-655 Tyee Road Victoria, B.C. V9A 6X5 Sent Via  email:  [email protected]  RE: Re: Times Colonist E-Edition “Do this to save killer whales and wild salmon from extinction” The Public Fishery Alliance (PFA) is a non-profit recreational angling organization with membership drawn from across the spectrum of BC … Read More»

Anglers, it’s time to fight for your rights to fish for salmon!

Here’s How On February 27th the South Vancouver Island Anglers Coalition, the Public Fishery Alliance, the Fraser River Sport fishing Alliance and the BC Recreational Fishing Association sponsored a public meeting that drew 300 participants from across the angling spectrum & the general S. Vancouver Island community. The meeting was called to discuss the future … Read More»

SRKW Survey for 2024 – Fill Out the Survey

Your Salmon Fisheries Are In Peril! For 2024 DFO are proposing even more restrictions on south coast anglers to protect Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKW), even though SRKW’s are rarely in the existing closures for more than a few days each month. These new restrictions are particularly hard on Port Renfrew, where the fishery is … Read More»

Minister Murray … “Time’s Up!”

Years of excuses and inaction on Marked Selective Fishery (MSF) proves Fisheries Minister Murray has little regard for British Columbia’s salmon anglers.  In a shocking new revelation, the PFA has learned that Pacific Region DFO approved MSF proposals for Chinook, slated to open on April 1st 2023, have only just reached the minister’s desk.  Two … Read More»

PFA Letter DFO Minister Joyce Murray RE: MSF

To: The Honourable Joyce MurrayMinister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard House of CommonsOttawa, ON K1A 0A6 Dear Minister Murray, The Public Fishery Alliance (PFA) represents marine and freshwater anglers and the businesses that rely on the public fishery in British Columbia. Our primary interest is the maintenance of well–managed, sustainable public salmon … Read More»


VANCOUVER-VICTORIA-SIDNEY-SOOKE-PORT RENFREW Potential Southern Resident Killer Whale Management Actions – 2023 FILL OUT THIS SURVEY – DEADLINE IS FEBRUARY 19th/2023 The Public Fisheries Alliance does not support increasing area based salmon restrictions and closures. We support adaptive management , like bubble zones, that consistently give Southern Resident Killer Whales the room they need.Please support … Read More»

RE: Rebuttal to David Mills Posts on Recreational Fishing Release Mortalities

The Public Fishery Alliance has serious issues with the comments made by David Mills in a post in Watershed Watch, and a subsequent post on the Public Fishery Alliance Facebook page. Mills cites a Pacific Salmon Commission table that shows 2021 Chinook retained catch, released Chinook and incidental mortalities for Canadian Chinook fisheries across northern … Read More»

Letter to Minister Murray – Re: Rejection of Chinook Retention Proposals

The Honourable Joyce Murray,Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast GuardMinister’s Office,200 Kent Street,Station 15N100Ottawa, ONK1A 0E6 Re: Rejection of Chinook Retention Proposals Dear Minister Murray, The Public Fishery Alliance (PFA) is a broad–based non-profit society consisting of almost one thousand Canadian anglers, angling organizations, angling dependent businesses and volunteer salmon and habitat restoration … Read More»

PFA Letter to Minister Murray and Premier Horgan re: Skeena Steelhead

Attn: The Honourable Joyce Murray, MPMinister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast GuardHouse of CommonsOttawa, ONK1A 0A6 and Attn: The Honourable John HorganPremier of British ColumbiaP.O. Box 9041, Stn Prov GovtVictoria, BCV8W 9E1 “Public Fishery Alliance Support of Skeena River Angling Access to Steelhead and for a Comprehensive Skeena Steelhead Recovery Plan” Dear Minister … Read More»