The Sooke Chinook Enhancement Initiative – Anglers Helping to Feed Endangered Orcas

The fresh and saltwater salmon fishery on Canada’s west coast is unique and a truly valuable gem.  The Public Fishery Alliance is very concerned about its future and the considerable misinformation regarding the fishery that often circulates in the media.  We have committed to produce a series of informative short videos that factually “tell our story”.  We believe that the Canadian public need to know the truth about this special fishery, why it is so important to so many and the urgency to save it from further crisis.

Each video will describe a small part of the story including details about the current state of Pacific salmon, their vital importance and the decades of mismanagement.   These short clips will also clarify the oft misreported connection anglers have to this amazing resource and its social and economic value to so many. 

Tens of thousands of Canadians who love to fish and those who rely on the Public Fishery for their livelihood are watching their fishery be dismantled by the federal government for political reasons.  The Public Fishery Alliance is committed to fighting to save this important fishery for BC’s anglers today and in the future for their children too! 

Donate to the Cause

  • Online via Paypal
  • Send an e-transfer to [email protected]
  • Mail your cheque to the following address:
    Public Fishery Alliance 78 East Broadway Vancouver, BC V5T 1V6

Join us in the fight and become a member.