PFA to Minister Jordan – Open BC’s Public Chinook Fisheries

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Vancouver, BC – March 17th, 2021– Pacific Region, Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard (DFO) have prepared the Southern BC Chinook: Fishing Proposal Evaluation (Feb 22, 2021), which confirms the 2020 Sport Fishing Advisory Board Chinook retention requests made on behalf of the Public fishery, were both sustainable and within conservation … Read More»

“Hatcheries are a vital tool in salmon recovery, not a target for removal.” PFA Response to David Suzuki’s “The easy way can lead to disaster”

In a perfect world Dr. Suzuki’s “The easy way can lead to disaster” article, which focuses on everything that is wrong with hatcheries, would make sense because the obvious question would then be: Why do we need them?

Re: Liberal Government’s Unwarranted Devastation of B.C.’s Public Salmon Fishery

The Public Fishery Alliance continues to take a stand against the Liberal Government and their unwarranted devastation of the BC Public Salmon Fishery. For the past two years, their actions have had devastating consequences for our Public fishery. Many hard-working Canadians in the public fishing sector are now without jobs and the infrastructure that supports … Read More»

DFO 2020 Fraser River Chinook Management Measures Letter to Minister Jordan

Dear Minister Jordan, I am writing to express my extreme disappointment and lack of trust in the consultation process that you conducted with the public and the Sport Fish Advisory Board on your recent decision regarding Fraser River Chinook Management Measures. At no time during the consultation process was the extreme closures that were put … Read More»

A Joint Letter to DFO: URGENT DFO Keeping Hatchery Augmented Rivers Closed to Fishing

As you may or not be aware, DFO was going to review some of the region 2 salmon regulations. The Chehalis River has always opened June 1 is currently closed to salmon fishing with no indication of an announcement that it will be opening. The Vedder/Chilliwack river has always opened July 1st. At this time … Read More»

Strategic Pinniped Predator Control as it relates to early timed Fraser River Chinook and Steelhead

While we are aware there is not just one ‘smoking gun’ that is responsible for the dwindling early Fraser River run of chinook salmon and steelhead stocks in BC there is one particular crisis that needs immediate action. There are several steps needed to be done to rebuild the stocks of concern over the long … Read More»