The Honourable Joyce Murray,Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast GuardMinister’s Office,200 Kent Street,Station 15N100Ottawa, ONK1A 0E6 Re: Rejection of Chinook Retention Proposals Dear Minister Murray, The Public Fishery Alliance (PFA) is a broad–based non-profit society consisting of almost one thousand Canadian anglers, angling organizations, angling dependent businesses and volunteer salmon and habitat restoration … Read More»
PFA Letter to Minister Murray and Premier Horgan re: Skeena Steelhead
Attn: The Honourable Joyce Murray, MPMinister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast GuardHouse of CommonsOttawa, ONK1A 0A6 and Attn: The Honourable John HorganPremier of British ColumbiaP.O. Box 9041, Stn Prov GovtVictoria, BCV8W 9E1 “Public Fishery Alliance Support of Skeena River Angling Access to Steelhead and for a Comprehensive Skeena Steelhead Recovery Plan” Dear Minister … Read More»
PFA Shout-out to the Fraser River Fishing Guides Association
The November deluge, known to meteorologists as an “Atmospheric River”, caused enormous destruction, and sadly loss of life too. Southwestern BC, including Vancouver Island, the Lower Mainland and as far away as Kamloops, all got hammered, suffering damages that may well cost billions to repair. The crippling disruption of the province’s supply chain is also … Read More»
UBC Study Reveals Chinook Abundance Not An Issue For SRKW’s
“UBC study reveals Chinook abundance not an issue for SRKW’s, yet ENGO’s still calling for Chinook harvest closure & no salmon fishing from March 1st to December 31st in Chinook foraging areas” UBC researchers, Mei Sato and Andrew Trites, from UBC’s Marine Mammal Unit, along with Stephane Gauthier from the Institute of Ocean Science recently … Read More»
REALITY: Fraser Chinook Openings and the Politics Surrounding Them
Here is what Jason Tonelli from Pacific Angler and PFA supporter has to say about Fraser chinook openings and the politics surrounding them… “No Special Chinook Report would be complete without some politics and data. A lot of people are wondering why we are closed in Aug for chinook and if we will get it … Read More»
Skeena Anadromous Trout and Salmon Management
To: The Honourable John HorganPremier of British ColumbiaP. O. Box 9041Station Provincial GovernmentVictoria, BC V8W 9E1 and To: Ms. Rebecca ReidRegional Director General – Pacific RegionFisheries, Oceans and the Canadian coast Guard200-401 Burrard StreetVancouver, BC V6C 3S4 Re: Skeena Anadromous Trout and Salmon Management Dear Premier Horgan and Ms. Reid, It has come to our … Read More»
Have You Had Enough Chinook Doom & Gloom?
Key BC Chinook stocks have been having a rough time of it, as have other salmon. Unfortunately this is issue has been used by media as a news draw, and by special interest groups who oppose any angling increases. “Never let a crisis go to waste” particularly if there is an opportunity to raise money. … Read More»
Adventures by HIP July 29th Facebook Post “It’s time to take the rods out of the water”
The Public Fishery Alliance rebukes unsubstantiated erroneous opinion posted on the Facebook Page of Adventures by HIP on July 29th, 2021. The lesson here is … no longer can these characters blindly spout uninformed anti-fishing rhetoric without fear of being called out. Your Facebook post has come to the attention of the directors of the … Read More»
Invalid ENGO Attack on the Public Fishery Debunked
Once again a representative of an Environmental Non-Government Organization (ENGO) has taken an unwarranted and misleading swipe at the BC Public fishery under the guise of conservation concerns for Pacific salmon. This time it was Jeffrey Young who is a science and policy analyst for the David Suzuki Foundation. His comments appear in a July … Read More»
Don’t Let BC’s Public Salmon Fishery Be Dismantled
Based on the May 14th decision to again reject the very modest SFAB Chinook retention fishing proposal, Minister of Fisheries Bernadette Jordan is overseeing the dismantling of the Public Salmon Fishery in BC. Now, for a third straight year, much of Southern BC is locked into non retention of Chinook salmon from April through July. … Read More»